
Jeep Fan’s Guide: Before You Ask the Question

Before you ask the question

        During this time of year, many of your friends may be asking the question and in all that excitement, you might think it’s time that you did as well.  Before you do anything this big, you should ask yourself a few questions.

  1. When you ask to go on an adventure, do they jump in the passenger seat?
  2. Are they ok with getting a little muddy?
  3. When they give you gifts, are they parts and accessories?
  4. Are they ok with your doors laying around the house?
  5. How creative is their parking style?
  6. Their idea of a picnic involves a rock obstacle, trail mix and getting a little dirty?
  7. They prefer to climb up into your Jeep instead of falling into a sporty racer?

If you found someone who shares your affinity for Jeep culture, then what are you waiting for? 
